2020-10 upd: we reached the first fundraising goal and rented a server in Hetzner for development! Thank you for donating !
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The main roadmap, prospects and development vector for CBSD/ClonOS projects.
Syslog support: all CBSD/ClonOS events can be sent via syslog to external analyzers/event logs for auditing;- OVF format support;
- CEPH/GlusterFS support out of the box (provisioning scripts);
- iSCSI support for XEN and bhyve block devices;
bhyve checkpoint support;bhyve live migration supportXEN live migration supportMultiple $workdir environments on one host. The ability to separate independent environments on a single server for independent resource constraints and prioritization;- Scheduler: cluster scheduler: e.g.: HashiCorp Nomad integration;
Registry: e.g. Docker registry to push/pull CBSD images;- Clustering DRS: automatic balancing (migration) based on CPU and memory loads;
RACCT metric exported (hoster, jail, bhyve);- Safe automatic updating of nodes in a cluster (node maintenance mode with automatic domain migration);
- Transparent distribution of cluster resources when creating a virtual machine;
- Metrics for CPU, Memory, I/O: support for Prometheus/Gragana/Zabbix from the box;
- High availability (HA-cluster);
Stretched virtual L2 network (vxlan, qinq) for mutliple DataCenter;- physical interfaces aggregation;
- Roles, Integration with AD. RBAC and SSO;
Broker-based CBSD management (e.g. for RestAPI)RestAPI for CBSD- Popular instances library;
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