FreeBSD virtual environment management and repository

2020-10 upd: we reached the first fundraising goal and rented a server in Hetzner for development! Thank you for donating !

Attention! Current pages describe CBSD version 13.0.x. If you are using an older version, please update first.

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KFreeBSD jail

Current ( Debian GNU/kFreeBSD ) project/environment which is running on FreeBSD kernel can be interesting to people who are liked tools and file system hierarchy of Linux Debian

For installing kFreeBSD cbsd jail just follow this steps:

		% cbsd repo action=get sources=img name=kfreebsd


		% cbsd repo action=get sources=img name=kfreebsd ver=10.0

If you hosted on another ( non 10.0 ) FreeBSD version. By the starting jail via

	      % cbsd jstart kfreebsd

you got a clean kFreeBSD installation in FreeBSD jail.


When a new jail is created or obtaining from the repository, make it a rule ALWAYS change the user's password root in jail, even if you do not plan to run it ssh/ftp/rsh and similar services. If the jail is created with applytpl=0, by default /etc/{passwd,master.passwd,group} in the jail as the original "clean" files FreeBSD, so password of root user is empty. If jail created with applytpl=1 (it also refers to images from repository) $workdir/share/jail-skel files will be used as templates where root password is 'cbsd' in default CBSD installation. You can change default root password when new jail is created via edit of hash in skel master.passwd via:

% vipw -d ${workdir}/share/jail-skel/etc

commands, or specify alternative path to jail-skel dir in .jconf (jcreate tools) config