2020-10 upd: we reached the first fundraising goal and rented a server in Hetzner for development! Thank you for donating !
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Project goals
There are several areas in which the development of the project is concentrated, the main:
- Provide to FreeBSD users the ability to conveniently manage virtual environments;
- Demonstrate and popularize the capabilities of FreeBSD as a cloud hosting platform, offering it as a free alternative to Linux and commercial solutions;
- Automation of typical low-level operations on virtual environments;
- Be the basis for creating (your / personal) cloud environments;
- Be clear and at the same time flexible user-friendly system;
- Be free, open and in demand: the CBSD/ClonOS platform itself is open and will remain so - anyone can take and use the project at home, at startup, etc. without any obligations! CBSD/ClonOS is simply a base and a common tool to facilitate our tasks;
The technical project roadmap can be found here: