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Attention! Current pages describe CBSD version 13.0.x. If you are using an older version, please update first.
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Jail upgrade
Upgrade procedure jail always carries certain risks in the form of disruption of service, therefore, make it a rule to always create backups of the jail. If you are running on ZFS file system, you can use the command cbsd jsnapshot for a frozen state of the jail before the start of work. For example:
% cbsd jsnapshot mode=create jname=jail1 snapname=before_update
and the end of work, if all ok, remove snap through:
% cbsd jsnapshot mode=destroy jname=jail1 snapname=before_update
If the file system is UFS, you can create an image of the jail through:
% cbsd jexport jname=jail1
And in the case of success, remove the image jail1.img from $workdir/export directory. An upgrade jail CBSD, we assume only update files base FreeBSD. Upgrade procedure 3rd-party software in jails similar to upgrade in the non-jail system. You can update the database as between different versions of the system (eg from version 9.2 to FreeBSD 9.3 or FreeBSD 9.3 -> FreeBSD 10.1), and update the files within the same version. It should be remembered that the jails have two modes — baserw=1, when the base part of each jail — have their own copy located in the directory $workdir/jails-data/$jail, and baserw=0, when one and the same base dir ${workdir}/basejail/base_\*_\*_ver mounted to all jails.
% cbsd jupgrade
% cbsd jconfig
% cbsd jset
This time, the idea is to set the basejail version of the
target jail to that of the desired FreeBSD release. We achieve
this by successively: shutting down the jail, setting the
appropriate version tag, starting the jail. In case we specified
a version for which we don't already have the base, it will be
downloaded at jail startup.
% cbsd jstop XXX
% cbsd jset jname=XXX ver=11.2
% cbsd jstart XXX
freebsd-update can be used without a reference to CBSD. Note that the utility works with the official FreeBSD resource and configure it to the repository CBSD is impossible, those only one source.
Update files for base jail through freebsd-update can via specified key -b path to directory which used by CBSD when mounting jail baserw=0. For example, if your cbsd $workdir - /usr/jails, then for amd64 and version 10.0 is the path to base: /usr/jails/basejail/base_amd64_amd64_10.0. This directory should be updated:
% freebsd-update -b /usr/jails/basejail/base_amd64_amd64_10.0 fetch
% freebsd-update -b /usr/jails/basejail/base_amd64_amd64_10.0 install
If you do not have baserw=1 jail, then its the end. If baserw=1 jails exists, to update them there are two possibilities:
- As in the case above, for each jail cause freebsd-update and specify the path to data directory of the jail ( $workdir/jails-data/$jname )
- Or, after basejail upgrade as described above, execute:
cbsd jupgrade jname=XXXX
for each baserw=1 jail - this command reshapes base ( $workdir/jails-data/$jname ) of the jail from the $workdir/basejail/* files
Option with the upgrade jail in mode baserw=0 to a new version base is the easiest is to change the version in the configurator
% cbsd jconfig jname=XXX
Since in this case only changes the source directory that link on start jail. Example of updating jail from 9.2 to 10.0 version.
Baseline: there x86-64 system with a base of FreeBSD 9.2 and jail jail1 on this base, upgrade to 10.0.
When jail is stopped, we go in the configurator via
% cbsd jconfig jname=jail1
and change ver parameter to 10.0, then save it via "Commit". Or, as in the screenshot — do change through cbsd jset
On the next run, the jails will mount base 10.0 (on screenshot the base in the system not found and CBSD has invited her to download). Of course, with such a upgrade to a new major version, after this operation you need to rebuild the software in the jail or update it through pkg — operation is highly desirable because library system changed. As a minimum, to identify this fact we can use the libchk utils.

Upgrade of baserw=1 takes a different scenario, since on this operation CBSD will overwrite the old base system files to the new in jail data directory $workdir/jails-data/$jname.
Baseline: we need uprgade jail jail1 baserw=1 mode (in-law, its root path PATH points in jls pointed to jails-data, rather than jail directory) from 9.2 to 10.0 version.
Verify through the file utility, which reads ELF table that file /bin/sh of jails belongs version 9x. And in the same way, check the version of the file after the upgrade:
% file -s /usr/jails/jails-data/jail1-data/bin/sh
/usr/jails/jails-data/jail1-data/bin/sh: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (FreeBSD), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for FreeBSD 9.2, stripped
When stopped jails perform change version through cbsd jconfig or cbsd jset, then perform the upgrade procedure:
% cbsd jupgrade jname=jail1
This operation causes the system to overwrite all the files in the base jail from your base original directory $workdir/basejails/base_\*_\*_ver

There are cases when you need to upgrade the files in one version, for example, base 10.0 to 10.0-p1. For jails who have mounted base through nullfs (baserw=0), simply re-download the $workdir/basejail/base_\*_\*_ver directory to more recent version. For this you can use the command:
% cbsd repo action=get sources=base mode=upgrade
- flags mode=upgrade permits to CBSD overwrite this directory with new files, if you already have a version of the base for this version. Or, you can build a more recent version of the base, using Building and upgrading bases Also, you can go with the base version with a RELEASE to STABLE (in this case, the name of the base directory will not X.Y, just X. Ie, instead base_\*_\*_9.2 will be used base_\*_\*_9 directory. For this you need in configurator of jail (cbsd jconfig) change the parameter stable=0 to stable=1 (either through cbsd initenv-tui mode is set STABLE branches globally), and do not forget to add stable=1 flags in repo command (if not set globally)
% cbsd repo action=get sources=base mode=upgrade stable=1
Similar rules for jails with baserw=1, it is only necessary to remember after update in CBSD to start the update process files by cbsd jupgrade
In addition, provided that you have a base system in the corresponding version (or you jail migrated to another server where there is a base more recent), when you start the jail with baserw=1, CBSD can automatically check for more recent files for this version and show information message "You have a more recent version of the base in ...":

Updating binary files is half the trouble) You must also synchronize the configuration files. See how CBSD may be useful here:
etcupdate helper