2020-10 upd: we reached the first fundraising goal and rented a server in Hetzner for development! Thank you for donating !
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Jail renaming:
jrename command
% cbsd jrename
Renames a jail and modifies all relevant according to the new name. The command can only be executed on stopped jails.
jrename has the two following mandatory parameters:
- old — old name of the jail
- new — new name of the jail
Optional parameters:
- host_hostname — FQDN, new full hostname of jail
- ip4_addr — new IP address of the jail (if multiple IPs, separated by a comma with no spaces)
Example (renaming jail jail1 into jail50 with a FQDN and ip addresses change):
% cbsd jrename old=jail1 new=jail50 host_hostname=jail50.my.domain ip4_addr=