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jail cold migration
jcoldmigrate command
% cbsd jcoldmigrateDescription:
cbsd jcoldmigrate does cold (with stoping) migration jail from one node to another. Argmument node point for destination node. Preliminary, RSA/DSA key for remote node must be added via cbsd node mode=add operation. Also, on a remote node service rsyncd should work (cbsdrsync).
By default, the jail status on a new node is inherited — if the jail worked, it also will be automatically started on a new node. If the jail didn't work — remains in Off status. To operate, what status should be on a remote jail not is dependent on a condition on the original, it is possible through parameter start.
Jail on the source, after successful jcoldmigrate will be stoped and switch to Slave status (unregister). In rc.conf file of jail on the destination node there will be a record where this jail came from.
Notes: For jcoldmigrate, the next action is performed (in process they pass automatically and aren't visible)
- copy configuration files to remote node, status of jail set to Slave on remote node (cbsd j2prepare)
- exec rsync, which does a full copy of the directory with data to remote node (cbsd j2slave)
- stop jails (if running) on the source node (cbsd j2slave)
- one more rsync job, for synchronization of those files which be modified
- switch jail status on source to Slave (cbsd jswmode)
- switch jail status to master on the remote node (cbsd rexe + jswmode)
- If jail was running — start jail on remode node (cbsd rexe + cbsd jstart)
make cold migration for jail amp123 to netsnap node):
% cbsd jcoldmigrate node=netsnap jname=amp123
on the destionation node anything isn't present now:
from node cbuilder64 migrate jail amp123 to netsnap:
jail amp123 on netsnap was started automatically: